Whether you’re new to military life or have years of experience, our carefully curated database is designed to provide essential support at every stage of your journey.
Organizations | Website/Link | Contact information | Location |
Military OneSource | www.militaryonesource.mil | Phone: 800-342-9647 | Nationwide |
Hiring Our Heroes | www.hiringourheroes.org | Email: info@uschamber.com | Nationwide |
Operation Homefront | https://operationhomefront.org/ | Phone: 210-659-7756 | Nationwide |
Blue Star Families | https://bluestarfam.org/ | Email: info@bluestarfam.org | Nationwide |
The American Legion | www.legion.org | Phone: 317-630-1200 | Nationwide, HQ in Indianapolis, IN |
USO | www.uso.org | Phone: 888-484-3876 | Nationwide and International |
Military Spouse Advocacy Network | www.milspouseadvocacynetwork.org | Email: info@milspouseadvocacynetwork.org | Nationwide |
Military Spouse Corporate Career Network (MSCCN) | www.msccn.org | Phone: 877-696-7226 | Nationwide |
National Military Family Association (NMFA) | www.militaryfamily.org | Phone: 703-931-6632 | Nationwide |
Operation We Are Here | www.operationwearehere.com | Email: info@operationwearehere.com | Nationwide |
American Red Cross Military Services | www.redcross.org/about-us/our-work/military-families.html | Phone: 877-272-7337 | Nationwide and International |
Team RWB (Red, White & Blue) | teamrwb.org | Email: support@teamrwb.org | Nationwide |
The Mission Continues | www.missioncontinues.org | Phone: 314-588-8805 | Nationwide |
Give an Hour | giveanhour.org | Email: info@giveanhour.org | Nationwide |
Semper Fi & America's Fund | thefund.org | Phone: 760-725-3680 | Nationwide |
Travis Manion Foundation | www.travismanion.org | Phone: 215-348-9080 | Nationwide, HQ in Doylestown, PA |
Patriot Boot Camp | patriotbootcamp.org | Email: info@patriotbootcamp.org | Nationwide |
Code Platoon | www.codeplatoon.org | Email: info@codeplatoon.org | Nationwide, HQ in Chicago, IL |
Elizabeth Dole Foundation | www.elizabethdolefoundation.org | Phone: 202-249-7170 | Nationwide, HQ in Washington, D.C. |
American Veterans (AMVETS) | www.amvets.org | Phone: 877-726-8387 | Nationwide |
Military Spouse Foundation | www.militaryspousefoundation.org | Phone: 800-800-4594 | Nationwide |
The Rosie Network | www.therosienetwork.org | Nationwide | |
The Heroes project | www.theheroesproject.org | Phone: 323-680-1007 | Based in California, Nationwide programs |
Army Emergency Relief (AER) | www.armyemergencyrelief.org | (866) 878-6378 | Nationwide |
Fisher House Foundation | www.fisherhouse.org | info@fisherhouse.org | Nationwide |
Hope For The Warriors | www.hopeforthewarriors.org | (877) 246-7349 | Nationwide |
Operation Gratitude | www.operationgratitude.com | info@operationgratitude.com | Nationwide |
Project Sanctuary | www.projectsanctuary.us | (720) 561-9193 | Nationwide |
Operation Second Chance | www.operationsecondchance.org | info@operationsecondchance.org | Nationwide |
Wounded Warrior Project | www.woundedwarriorproject.org | (888) 997-2586 | Nationwide |
USA Cares | www.usacares.org | (800) 773-0387 | Nationwide |
Soldiers’ Angels | www.soldiersangels.org | (210) 629-0020 | Nationwide |
Homes for Our Troops | www.hfotusa.org | info@hfotusa.org | Nationwide |
Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund | www.fallenheroesfund.org | info@fallenheroesfund.org | Nationwide |
Air Warrior Courage Foundation | www.airwarriorcourage.org | (877) 921-2923 | Nationwide |
Army Scholarship Foundation | www.armyscholarshipfoundation.org | (210) 602-7612 | Nationwide |
Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation | www.fallenpatriots.org | (866) 917-2373 | Nationwide |
DAV (Disabled American Veterans) | www.dav.org | (877) 426-2838 | Nationwide |
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) | www.vfw.org | (816) 756-3390 | Nationwide |
Yellow Ribbon Fund | www.yellowribbonfund.org | (240) 223-1180 | Nationwide |
Operation Healing Forces | www.operationhealingforces.org | (813) 420-7522 | Nationwide |
Warrior Canine Connection | www.warriorcanineconnection.org | info@warriorcanineconnection.org | Nationwide |
Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association | www.combatvet.us | (913) 426-6004 | Nationwide |
Veterans Village of San Diego | www.vvsd.net | (619) 393-2000 | San Diego, CA |
Freedom Service Dogs of America | www.freedomservicedogs.org | (303) 922-6231 | Nationwide |
Hire Heroes USA | www.hireheroesusa.org | (866) 915-4376 | Nationwide |
Veterans of America (VVA) | www.vva.org | (301) 585-4000 | Nationwide |
The Independence Fund | www.independencefund.org | info@independencefund.org | Nationwide |
Warrior Expeditions | www.warriorexpeditions.org | info@warriorexpeditions.org | Nationwide |
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society | www.nmcrs.org | (703) 696-4904 | Nationwide |
Carry the Load | www.carrytheload.org | info@carrytheload.org | Nationwide |
Stop Soldier Suicide | www.stopsoldiersuicide.org | (844) 889-5610 | Nationwide |
Paws for Purple Hearts | www.pawsforpurplehearts.org | info@pawsforpurplehearts.org | Nationwide |
Military Warriors Support Foundation | www.militarywarriors.org | (210) 615-8973 | Nationwide |
K9s For Warriors | www.k9sforwarriors.org | (904) 686-1956 | Nationwide |
Honor and Remember | www.honorandremember.org | (757) 504-4722 | Nationwide |
Operation Second Chance | www.operationsecondchance.org | info@operationsecondchance.org | Nationwide |
Operation First Response | www.operationfirstresponse.org | (888) 289-0280 | Nationwide |
Operation Teammate | www.operationteammate.org | contact@operationteammate.org | Nationwide |
United Through Reading | www.unitedthroughreading.org | (858) 481-7323 | Nationwide |
American Freedom Foundation | www.americanfreedomfoundation.org | info@americanfreedomfoundation.org | Nationwide |
The Independence Fund | www.independencefund.org | info@independencefund.org | Nationwide |
Hope for the Warriors | www.hopeforthewarriors.org | (877) 246-7349 | Nationwide |
The Gary Sinise Foundation | www.garysinisefoundation.org | (888) 708-7757 | Nationwide |
Veterans Matter | www.veteransmatter.org | (800) 410-8804 | Nationwide |
Building Homes for Heroes | www.buildinghomesforheroes.org | info@buildinghomesforheroes.org | Nationwide |
The Honor Foundation | www.honor.org | info@honor.org | Nationwide |
Disabled Veterans National Foundation | www.dvnf.org | (888) 782-2148 | Nationwide |
Operation Mend (UCLA Health) | www.uclahealth.org/operationmend | (310) 267-2110 | Los Angeles, CA |
The Veterans Site | www.theveteranssite.com | info@greatergood.org | Nationwide |
Pets for Patriots | www.petsforpatriots.org | info@petsforpatriots.org | Nationwide |
F7 Group | www.f7group.com | info@f7group.com | Nationwide |
Freedom Alliance | www.freedomalliance.org | (703) 444-7940 | Nationwide |
Operation Military Family | www.operationmilitaryfamily.org | info@omfcares.org | Nationwide |
TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors) | www.taps.org | (800) 959-8277 | Nationwide |
SoldierStrong | www.soldierstrong.org | info@soldierstrong.org | Nationwide |
Vets4Warriors | www.vets4warriors.com | (855) 838-8255 | Nationwide |
Operation Finally Home | www.operationfinallyhome.org | info@operationfinallyhome.org | Nationwide |
A Soldier's Child Foundation | www.asoldierschild.org | (615) 220-1600 | Nationwide |
Operation Troop Aid | www.operationtroopaid.org | info@operationtroopaid.org | Nationwide |
Warrior Angels Foundation | www.warriorangelsfoundation.org | info@warriorangelsfoundation.org | Nationwide |
Military Assistance Mission | www.azmam.org | (602) 246-6429 | Arizona |
Boot Campaign | www.bootcampaign.org | (844) 266-8326 | Nationwide |
Wreaths Across America | www.wreathsacrossamerica.org | (877) 385-9504 | Nationwide |
Hope for the Warriors | www.hopeforthewarriors.org | (877) 246-7349 | Nationwide |
Military Warriors Support Foundation | www.militarywarriors.org | (210) 615-8973 | Nationwide |
Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs, Inc. | www.medicalservicedogs.org | (386) 456-0408 | Nationwide |
Boulder Crest Retreat | www.bouldercrest.org | info@bouldercrest.org | Virginia & Arizona |
Freedom Service Dogs of America | www.freedomservicedogs.org | (303) 922-6231 | Nationwide |
Veterans Airlift Command | www.veteransairlift.org | (952) 582-2911 | Nationwide |
Wounded Heroes Fund | www.theheroesfund.org | info@theheroesfund.org | Nationwide |
Vets' Community Connections | www.vetscommunityconnections.org | info@vetscommunityconnections.org | Nationwide |
VetsHouse, Inc. | www.vetshouseinc.org | (757) 724-8614 | Norfolk, VA |
The Hugs Project | www.thehugsproject.com | info@thehugsproject.com | Nationwide |
A Hero Foundation | www.aherousa.org | info@aherousa.org | Nationwide |
Operation Delta Dog | www.operationdeltadog.org | (603) 965-0361 | Massachusetts |
Healing Household 6 | www.healinghousehold6.org | info@healinghousehold6.org | Nationwide |
Operation Hug-A-Hero | www.operationhugahero.org | info@operationhugahero.org | Nationwide |
Home Base Program (Red Sox Foundation) | www.homebase.org | (617) 724-5202 | Massachusetts |
Operation Song | www.operationsong.org | info@operationsong.org | Nationwide |
Wounded Paw Project | www.woundedpawproject.org | info@woundedpawproject.org | Nationwide |
Combat Veterans to Careers | www.combatveteranstocareers.org | (352) 775-4008 | Nationwide |
American Widow Project | www.americanwidowproject.org | info@americanwidowproject.org | Nationwide |
Operation Shoebox | www.operationshoebox.com | (352) 307-6723 | Nationwide |
Puppies Behind Bars | www.puppiesbehindbars.com | info@puppiesbehindbars.com | Nationwide |
Operation Troop Aid | www.operationtroopaid.org | info@operationtroopaid.org | Nationwide |
Heart of a Hero Foundation | www.heartofahero.org | info@heartofahero.org | Nationwide |
Adaptive Training Foundation | www.adaptivetrainingfoundation.org | (972) 532-9228 | Nationwide |
National Veterans Foundation | www.nvf.org | (888) 777-4443 | Nationwide |
Angels of America's Fallen | www.aoafallen.org | info@aoafallen.org | Nationwide |
VFW National Home for Children | www.vfwnationalhome.org | help@vfwnationalhome.org | Nationwide |
Operation Silver Star | www.operationsilverstar.org | info@operationsilverstar.org | California |
National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP) | www.nvlsp.org | (202) 265-8305 | Nationwide |
Veterans Advantage | www.veteransadvantage.com | (866) 838-7392 | Nationwide |
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) | www.nchv.org | (202) 546-1969 | Nationwide |
Veterans Inc. | www.veteransinc.org | info@veteransinc.org | Northeast |
Final Salute, Inc. | www.finalsaluteinc.org | info@finalsaluteinc.org | Nationwide |
Code of Support Foundation | www.codeofsupport.org | (571) 418-6339 | Nationwide |
Camaraderie Foundation | www.camaraderiefoundation.org | info@camaraderiefoundation.org | Nationwide |
Warriors’ Watch Riders | www.warriorswatch.org | info@warriorswatch.org | Nationwide |
Boots to Books | www.bootstobooks.org | info@bootstobooks.org | Nationwide |
Veterans Leadership Program | www.vlpwpa.org | (412) 481-8200 | Pennsylvania |
Vets4Warriors | www.vets4warriors.com | (855) 838-8255 | Nationwide |
Operation Homefront Southern California | www.operationhomefront.org | socal@operationhomefront.org | Southern California |
Carry Forward | www.carryforward.org | info@carryforward.org | Nationwide |
Hire Military Veterans | www.hiremilitaryveterans.org | info@hiremilitaryveterans.org | Nationwide |
Warrior Scholar Project | www.warriorscholar.org | info@warriorscholar.org | Nationwide |
Hope For Veterans | www.hopeforveterans.org | (866) 578-4207 | Nationwide |
Operation Troop Appreciation | www.operationtroopappreciation.org | info@operationtroopappreciation.org | Nationwide |
Military Child Education Coalition | www.militarychild.org | info@militarychild.org | Nationwide |
Warrior Rising | www.warriorrising.org | info@warriorrising.org | Nationwide |
The Purple Heart Foundation | www.purpleheartfoundation.org | (703) 256-6139 | Nationwide |
Adaptive Sports Foundation | www.adaptivesportsfoundation.org | info@adaptivesportsfoundation.org | New York |
Pin-Ups for Vets | www.pinupsforvets.com | gina@pinupsforvets.com | Nationwide |
Organizations | Website/Link | Contact information | Location |
Military OneSource | www.militaryonesource.mil | Phone: 800-342-9647 | Nationwide |
TRICARE | www.tricare.mil | Phone: 877-874-2273 | Nationwide |
Give an Hour | giveanhour.org | Phone: 240-668-4365 | Bethesda, MD |
Military Health System (MHS) | health.mil | Phone: 800-444-5445 | Nationwide |
Veterans Health Administration (VHA) | www.va.gov/health | Phone: 877-222-8387 | Nationwide |
Operation Homefront | www.operationhomefront.org | Phone: 210-659-7756 | San Antonio, TX |
Blue Star Families | bluestarfam.org | Phone: 202-630-2583 | Nationwide |
USO (United Service Organizations) | www.uso.org | Phone: 888-484-3876 | Arlington, VA |
American Red Cross | www.redcross.org | Phone: 800-733-2767 | Nationwide |
Military Spouse Advocacy Network | www.militaryspouseadvocacynetwork.org | Email: info@milspouseadvocacynetwork.org | Nationwide |
Fisher House Foundation | fisherhouse.org | Phone: 888-294-8560 | Rockville, MD |
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society | www.nmcrs.org | Phone: 800-654-8364 | Arlington, VA |
Army Emergency Relief (AER) | www.armyemergencyrelief.org | Phone: 866-878-6378 | Arlington, VA |
Air Force Aid Society (AFAS) | www.afas.org | Phone: 703-972-2650 | Arlington, VA |
Elizabeth Dole Foundation | www.elizabethdolefoundation.org | Phone: 202-249-7170 | Washington, DC |
National Military Family Association | www.taps.org | Phone: 703-931-6632 | Alexandria, VA |
TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors) | www.taps.org | Phone: 202-588-8277 | Arlington, VA |
Real Warriors Campaign | www.realwarriors.net | Phone: 866-966-1020 | Nationwide |
Home Base Program | homebase.org | Phone: 617-724-5202 | Boston, MA |
Sesame Street for Military Families | sesamestreetformilitaryfamilies.org | Email: contact@sesameworkshop.org | Nationwide |
Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) | www.woundedwarriorproject.org | (888) 997-2586 | Nationwide |
Semper Fi & America's Fund | www.thefund.org | (760) 725-3680 | Nationwide |
The Independence Fund | www.independencefund.org | info@independencefund.org | Nationwide |
Hope For The Warriors | www.hopeforthewarriors.org | (877) 246-7349 | Nationwide |
Project Healing Waters | www.projecthealingwaters.org | info@projecthealingwaters.org | Nationwide |
The Travis Mills Foundation | www.travismillsfoundation.org | info@travismillsfoundation.org | Nationwide |
Operation Mend (UCLA Health) | www.uclahealth.org/operationmend | (310) 267-2110 | Los Angeles, CA |
Combat Stress Recovery Program (WWP) | www.woundedwarriorproject.org/programs/combat-stress-recovery | (888) 997-2586 | Nationwide |
Healing Warriors Program | www.healingwarriorsprogram.org | info@healingwarriorsprogram.org | Colorado, Nationwide Services |
Boulder Crest Foundation | www.bouldercrest.org | info@bouldercrest.org | Virginia, Arizona, Nationwide |
SoldierStrong | www.soldierstrong.org | info@soldierstrong.org | Nationwide |
Warrior Care Network (WWP) | www.woundedwarriorproject.org/programs/warrior-care-network | (888) 997-2586 | Nationwide |
Operation Comfort Warriors (American Legion) | www.legion.org/operationcomfortwarriors | ocw@legion.org | Nationwide |
Headstrong Project | www.getheadstrong.org | info@getheadstrong.org | Nationwide |
Cohen Veterans Network | www.cohenveteransnetwork.org | info@cohenveteransnetwork.org | Nationwide |
Warrior Expeditions | www.warriorexpeditions.org | info@warriorexpeditions.org | Nationwide |
Operation First Response | www.operationfirstresponse.org | info@operationfirstresponse.org | Nationwide |
Semper K9 Assistance Dogs | www.semperk9.org | info@semperk9.org | Virginia, Nationwide |
PsychArmor Institute | www.psycharmor.org | info@psycharmor.org | Nationwide |
Veterans Yoga Project | www.veteransyogaproject.org | info@veteransyogaproject.org | Nationwide |
Vets4Warriors | www.vets4warriors.com | (855) 838-8255 | Nationwide |
Warrior Canine Connection | www.warriorcanineconnection.org | info@warriorcanineconnection.org | Nationwide |
America’s Warrior Partnership | www.americaswarriorpartnership.org | (706) 434-1708 | Nationwide |
Veterans Path | www.veteranspath.org | info@veteranspath.org | Nationwide |
Hero Miles Program (Fisher House) | www.fisherhouse.org/programs/hero-miles | info@fisherhouse.org | Nationwide |
Veterans Airlift Command | www.veteransairlift.org | info@veteransairlift.org | Nationwide |
Veterans Health and Wellness Foundation | www.veteranshwf.org | info@veteranshwf.org | Nationwide |
Operation Healing Forces | www.operationhealingforces.org | info@operationhealingforces.org | Nationwide |
HunterSeven Foundation | www.hunterseven.org | info@hunterseven.org | Nationwide |
Oath Inc. (Outdoor Association for True Heroes) | www.oathinc.org | info@oathinc.org | Texas, Nationwide |
Semper Fi Odyssey | www.semperfiodyssey.org | info@semperfiodyssey.org | Pennsylvania, Nationwide |
The Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF) | www.specialops.org | (813) 805-9400 | Nationwide |
Veterans Outdoor Advocacy Group | www.voag.org | info@voag.org | Nationwide |
Gary Sinise Foundation - Relief and Resiliency | www.garysinisefoundation.org | info@garysinisefoundation.org | Nationwide |
Freedom Service Dogs of America | www.freedomservicedogs.org | info@freedomservicedogs.org | Colorado, Nationwide |
Vets Helping Heroes | www.vetshelpingheroes.org | info@vetshelpingheroes.org | Nationwide |
Disabled Veterans National Foundation | www.dvnf.org | info@dvnf.org | Nationwide |
Paws for Purple Hearts | www.pawsforpurplehearts.org | info@pawsforpurplehearts.org | Nationwide |
Veterans Healing Farm | www.veteranshealingfarm.org | info@veteranshealingfarm.org | North Carolina, Nationwide |
Pets for Vets | www.petsforvets.com | info@petsforvets.com | Nationwide |
Vet Centers (VA Readjustment Counseling Service) | www.vetcenter.va.gov | (877) 927-8387 | Nationwide |
Horses for Heroes | www.horsesforheroes.org | info@horsesforheroes.org | New Mexico, Nationwide |
Heroes on the Water | www.heroesonthewater.org | info@heroesonthewater.org | Texas, Nationwide |
Healing Waters Fly Fishing | www.projecthealingwaters.org | info@projecthealingwaters.org | Nationwide |
REBOOT Combat Recovery | www.rebootrecovery.com | info@rebootrecovery.com | Nationwide |
Warrior Bonfire Program | www.warriorbonfireprogram.org | info@warriorbonfireprogram.org | Nationwide |
Veterans Wellness Alliance | www.bushcenter.org/veterans-wellness-alliance | info@bushcenter.org | Nationwide |
Disabled American Veterans (DAV) | www.dav.org | (877) 426-2838 | Nationwide |
Operation Second Chance | www.operationsecondchance.org | info@operationsecondchance.org | Nationwide |
Project Sanctuary | www.projectsanctuary.us | info@projectsanctuary.us | Colorado, Nationwide |
Lone Survivor Foundation | www.lonesurvivorfoundation.org | info@lonesurvivorfoundation.org | Texas, Nationwide |
Organizations | Website/Link | Contact information | Location |
Military OneSource | www.militaryonesource.mil | Phone: 800-342-9647 | Nationwide (Online) |
Hiring Our Heroes | www.hiringourheroes.org | Email: Contact Form | Washington, D.C. |
Blue Star Families | www.bluestarfam.org | Phone: 202-630-2583 | Washington, D.C. |
Hire Heroes USA | hireheroesusa.org | Phone: (866) 915-4376 | Nationwide |
Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) | msepjobs.militaryonesource.mil/msep/ | Phone: 800-342-9647 | Nationwide (Online) |
USO Pathfinder Transition Program | www.uso.org/programs/uso-transition-program | Phone: 888-484-3876 | Nationwide (Online) |
50 Strong | www.50-strong.us | ||
Operation Homefront | www.operationhomefront.org | Phone: 210-659-7756 | San Antonio, TX |
American Corporate Partners (ACP) | www.veterati.com | Phone: 212-752-0700 | New York, NY |
Veterati | www.veterati.com | Email: support@veterati.com | Nationwide (Online) |
Military Spouse Advocacy Network | www.militaryspouseadvocacynetwork.org | Email: info@milspouseadvocacynetwork.org | Nationwide (Online) |
FlexJobs | www.flexjobs.com | Phone: 866-991-9222 | Boulder, CO (Online) |
National Military Spouse Network (NMSN) | www.nationalmilitaryspousenetwork.org | Email: Contact Form | Nationwide (Online) |
Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) | www.myseco.militaryonesource.mil/portal | Phone: 800-342-9647 | Nationwide (Online) |
CareerOneStop | www.careeronestop.org | Phone: 877-348-0502 | Nationwide (Online) |
VetJobs | www.vetjobs.org | Phone: 877-696-7226 | Nationwide (Online) |
LinkedIn Military & Veterans Program | www.socialimpact.linkedin.com/programs/veterans | Email: Contact Form | Nationwide (Online) |
Onward to Opportunity (O2O) | vets2industry.org/veteran-resource-library/listing/onward-to-opportunity-o2o/ | Email: ivmfeducation@syr.edu | Syracuse, NY |
Association of the United States Army (AUSA) | www.ausa.org | Phone: 703-841-4300 | Arlington, VA |
Air Force Personnel Center | www.afpc.af.mil/Military-and-Family/Employment-Resources/ | http://afpc.dpczpp.pcsamendmentquestion@us.af.mil/ | Nationwide (Online) |
Veterans Administration | www.vaforvets.va.gov/vaforvets/veteran-resources/military-spouses.asp | Nationwide (Online) | |
The Mission Continues | missioncontinues.org | Phone: (314) 588-8805 | Nationwide |
Team Red, White & Blue (Team RWB) | teamrwb.org | Email: info@teamrwb.org | Nationwide |
Warrior Rising | warriorrising.org | Email: info@warriorrising.org | Nationwide |
Patriot Boot Camp | patriotbootcamp.org | Email: info@patriotbootcamp.org | Nationwide |
FourBlock | fourblock.org | Email: info@fourblock.org | Nationwide |
Bunker Labs | bunkerlabs.org | Email: hello@bunkerlabs.org | Nationwide |
Syracuse University's IVMF | ivmf.syracuse.edu | Email: ivmfeducation@syr.edu | Nationwide |
Operation We Are Here | operationwearehere.com | Email: info@operationwearehere.com | Nationwide |
Helmets to Hardhats | helmetstohardhats.org | Phone: (866) 741-6210 | Nationwide |
Warrior-Scholar Project | warrior-scholar.org | Email: info@warrior-scholar.org | Nationwide |
NextOp Veterans | nextopvets.org | Email: info@nextopvets.org | Nationwide |
The Honor Foundation | honor.org | Email: info@honor.org | Nationwide |
Dog Tag Inc. | dogtaginc.org | Email: info@dogtaginc.org | Nationwide |
Soldier for Life | soldierforlife.army.mil | Phone: (703) 545-2637 | Nationwide |
Veterans Inc. | veteransinc.org | Email: info@veteransinc.org | Massachusetts |
AMVETS | amvets.org | Phone: (301) 459-9600 | Nationwide |
DAV (Disabled American Veterans) | dav.org | Phone: (877) 426-2838 | Nationwide |
Travis Manion Foundation | travismanion.org | Phone: (215) 348-9080 | Nationwide |
Project Sanctuary | projectsanctuary.us | Email: info@projectsanctuary.us | Nationwide |
Service to School | service2school.org | Email: info@service2school.org | Nationwide |
The Farmer Veteran Coalition | farmvetco.org | Email: support@farmvetco.org | Nationwide |
Code Platoon | codeplatoon.org | Email: info@codeplatoon.org | Nationwide |
VetsinTech | vetsintech.co | Email: info@vetsintech.co | Nationwide |
Operation: Job Ready Veterans | ojrv.org | Phone: (855) 456-2732 | Nationwide |
The Warrior Alliance | thewarrioralliance.org | Email: info@thewarrioralliance.org | Nationwide |
Freedom Learning Group | freedomlearninggroup.com | Email: info@freedomlearninggroup.com | Nationwide |
Troops Into Transportation | troopsintotransportation.com | Phone: (800) 777-9377 | Nationwide |
Green Beret Foundation | greenberetfoundation.org | Phone: (844) 287-7133 | Nationwide |
US Veterans Chamber of Commerce | usvcc.org | Email: info@usvcc.org | Nationwide |
Operation New Uniform | operationnewuniform.org | Email: info@operationnewuniform.org | Florida |
Military Warriors Support Foundation | militarywarriors.org | Phone: (210) 615-8973 | Nationwide |
Warrior Transition Network | warriortransitionnetwork.org | Email: info@warriortransitionnetwork.org | Nationwide |
Tech Qualled | techqualled.com | Email: info@techqualled.com | Nationwide |
Tech for Troops | techfortroops.org | Email: info@techfortroops.org | Nationwide |
Warriors at Ease | warriorsatease.org | Email: info@warriorsatease.org | Nationwide |
The Heroes Journey | theheroesjourney.org | Email: info@theheroesjourney.org | Nationwide |
Catch a Lift Fund | catchaliftfund.org | Phone: (855) 496-4838 | Nationwide |
Career Recon | careerrecon.com | Email: info@careerrecon.com | Nationwide |
RallyPoint | rallypoint.com | Email: contact@rallypoint.com | Nationwide |
Veterans Transition Support | veteranstransitionsupport.org | Email: info@veteranstransitionsupport.org | California |
Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing | projecthealingwaters.org | Email: info@projecthealingwaters.org | Nationwide |
Corporate Gray | corporategray.com | Email: contact@corporategray.com | Nationwide |
Heroic Hearts Project | heroicheartsproject.org | Email: info@heroicheartsproject.org | Nationwide |
OASIS Group | oasisgrp.org | Email: info@oasisgrp.org | Nationwide |
USA Cares | usacares.org | Phone: (800) 773-0387 | Nationwide |
VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) | vfw.org | Phone: (816) 756-3390 | Nationwide |
GI Jobs | gijobs.com | Email: info@gijobs.com | Nationwide |
The Welcome Home Group | welcomehomegroup.org | Email: info@welcomehomegroup.org | Nationwide |
VETtoCEO | vettocoe.org | Email: info@vettocoe.org | Nationwide |
Red White & Blue Events | rwbevents.com | Email: info@rwbevents.com | Nationwide |
Returning Veterans Project | returningveterans.org | Email: info@returningveterans.org | Oregon |
Mission United | missionunited.org | Email: info@missionunited.org | Nationwide |
Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program (HVRP) | dol.gov/vets/programs/hvrp | Email: VETS-HVRP@dol.gov | Nationwide |
NVTSI - National Veterans Transition Services Inc. | nvtsi.org | Email: info@nvtsi.org | Nationwide |
The Headstrong Project | getheadstrong.org | Email: info@getheadstrong.org | Nationwide |
Leave No Veteran Behind | leavenoveteranbehind.org | Email: info@leavenoveteranbehind.org | Nationwide |
Hero Dogs, Inc. | hero-dogs.org | Email: info@hero-dogs.org | Nationwide |
Wounded Warrior Project | woundedwarriorproject.org | Phone: (904) 296-7350 | Nationwide |
Hope For The Warriors | hopeforthewarriors.org | Phone: (877) 246-7349 | Nationwide |
VetBiz Central | vetbizcentral.org | Phone: (810) 767-8387 | Michigan |
Soldiers' Angels | soldiersangels.org | Phone: (210) 629-0020 | Nationwide |
Veterans Leadership Program | vlpwpa.org | Email: info@vlpwpa.org | Pennsylvania |
VeteransPlus | veteransplus.org | Email: info@veteransplus.org | Nationwide |
Military Connection | militaryconnection.com | Email: info@militaryconnection.com | Nationwide |
America's Warrior Partnership | americaswarriorpartnership.org | Email: info@americaswarriorpartnership.org | Nationwide |
Got Your 6 | gotyour6.org | Email: info@gotyour6.org | Nationwide |
Military OneSource | Military OneSource | Phone: 800-342-9647 | Nationwide (Online) |
Organizations | Website/Link | Contact information | Location |
Feeding America | www.feedingamerica.org | Phone: 800-771-2303 | National network with food banks across the USA |
Operation Homefront | operationhomefront.org | Phone: 210-659-7756 | National organization with regional offices |
USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) | www.fns.usda.gov | Phone: 703-305-2062 | National program |
Military OneSource | www.militaryonesource.mil/resources/millife-guides/food-security-resources-and-support-programs/ | Phone: 800-342-9647 | National program |
USO (United Service Organizations) | rota.uso.org/programs/food | Phone: 888-484-3876 | National program |
Soldiers’ Angels | soldiersangels.org/get-support/fooddistributions/ | Phone: 210-629-0020 | National organization |
Operation Gratitude | www.operationgratitude.com | Phone: 818-648-0543 | National organization |
Team Rubicon | teamrubiconusa.org | Phone: 310-640-8787 | National organization |
Hope for the Warriors | www.hopeforthewarriors.org | Phone: 877-246-7349 | National Organization |
American Red Cross – Service to the Armed Forces | www.redcross.org | Phone: 800-733-2767 | |
United Way | www.unitedway.org | Phone: 703-836-7112 | |
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society | www.nmcrs.org | Phone: 703-696-4904 | |
The Salvation Army | www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/ | Phone: 703-684-5500 | |
Catholic Charities USA | www.catholiccharitiesusa.org | Phone: 703-549-1390 | |
Fisher House Foundation | www.fisherhouse.org | Phone: 888-294-8560 | |
Blue Star Families | bluestarfam.org/food-insecurity-resources/ | Phone: 202-630-2583 | |
Armed Services YMCA (ASYMCA) | asymca.org/ | Phone: 703-313-9600 | |
Military Family Advisory Network (MFAN) | militaryfamilyadvisorynetwork.org | info@militaryfamilyadvisorynetwork.org | Nationwide |
Manna Food Center | www.mannafood.org | info@mannafood.org | Maryland |
Food Bank for New York City | www.foodbanknyc.org | 212-566-7855 | New York |
Los Angeles Regional Food Bank | foodbankla.org | 213-482-7252 | California |
Second Harvest Heartland | 2harvest.org | 651-482-8260 | Minnesota |
Greater Chicago Food Depository | chicagosfoodbank.org | 773-247-3663 | Illinois |
Houston Food Bank | houstonfoodbank.org | 832-369-9390 | Texas |
Greater Boston Food Bank | gbfb.org | 617-427-5200 | Massachusetts |
Central Texas Food Bank | centraltexasfoodbank.org | 512-282-2111 | Texas |
Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma | cfbeo.org | 918-585-2800 | Oklahoma |
North Texas Food Bank | ntfb.org | 214-330-1396 | Texas |
Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano | foodbankccs.org | 925-676-7543 | California |
Food Bank of the Rockies | foodbankrockies.org | 303-371-9250 | Colorado |
St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance | firstfoodbank.org | 602-242-FOOD (3663) | Arizona |
Atlanta Community Food Bank | acfb.org | 404-892-3333 | Georgia |
Food Bank of Alaska | foodbankofalaska.org | 907-272-3663 | Alaska |
Oregon Food Bank | oregonfoodbank.org | 503-439-6510 | Oregon |
Community Food Bank of New Jersey | cfbnj.org | 908-355-3663 | New Jersey |
Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina | foodbankcenc.org | 919-875-0707 | North Carolina |
Food Bank of the Southern Tier | foodbankst.org | 607-796-6061 | New York |
Maryland Food Bank | mdfoodbank.org | 410-737-8282 | Maryland |
The Emergency Food Network | efoodnet.org | 253-584-1040 | Washington |
Share Food Program | sharefoodprogram.org | 215-223-2220 | Pennsylvania |
Meals on Wheels America | mealsonwheelsamerica.org | 888-998-6325 | Nationwide |
Food Bank of Northern Nevada | fbnn.org | 775-331-3663 | Nevada |
Western Pennsylvania Diocesan Food Bank | pittsburghfoodbank.org | 412-460-3663 | Pennsylvania |
Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina | secondharvestmetrolina.org | 704-376-1785 | North Carolina |
Food Bank of the Hudson Valley | foodbankhv.org | 845-534-5344 | New York |
Loaves & Fishes Community Services | loavesfishes.org | 704-523-4333 | North Carolina |
Harvesters—The Community Food Network | harvesters.org | 816-929-3000 | Missouri |
The Food Trust | thefoodtrust.org | 215-575-0444 | Pennsylvania |
North Bay Food Bank | northbayfoodbank.org | 707-523-7900 | California |
Feeding South Florida | feedingsouthflorida.org | 954-518-1818 | Florida |
Vermont Foodbank | vermontfoodbank.org | 802-658-2900 | Vermont |
Utah Food Bank | utahfoodbank.org | 801-978-2452 | Utah |
Alabama Food Bank Association | alabamafoodbankassociation.org | 205-777-1600 | Alabama |
Food Bank of Central Louisiana | foodbankcentralla.org | 318-445-2773 | Louisiana |
Coastal Bend Food Bank | coastalbendfoodbank.org | 361-887-6291 | Texas |
Food Bank of South Jersey | foodbanksj.org | 856-662-4884 | New Jersey |
Central Pennsylvania Food Bank | www.centralpafoodbank.org | 717-564-1700 | Pennsylvania |
Food Bank of Delaware | www.fbd.org | 302-292-1305 | Delaware |
The Greater Cleveland Food Bank | greaterclevelandfoodbank.org | 216-738-2265 | Ohio |
Western Massachusetts Food Bank | foodbankwma.org | 413-247-9738 | Massachusetts |
Community Food Bank of New Jersey | cfbnj.org | 908-355-3663 | New Jersey |
Long Island Cares | licares.org | 631-582-3663 | New York |
Iowa Food Bank | iowafb.org | 515-864-3055 | Iowa |
Alaska Food Bank | alaskafoodbank.org | 907-272-3663 | Alaska |
Food Bank of Northern Indiana | foodbanknwi.org | 219-980-1777 | Indiana |
The Free Pantry | thefreepantry.org | 866-825-7777 | Nationwide |
Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis | urbanleague.stl.org | 314-615-3600 | Missouri |
The Little Free Pantry | littlefreepantry.org | info@littlefreepantry.org | Nationwide |
Phoenix Food Bank | phoenixfoodbank.org | 602-258-0688 | Arizona |
United Way of Central Indiana | uwci.org | 317-923-1466 | Indiana |
The Food Bank of North Alabama | foodbanknal.org | 256-382-0263 | Alabama |
Atlanta Community Food Bank | acfb.org | 404-892-3333 | Georgia |
Northwest Harvest | northwestharvest.org | 206-625-0755 | Washington |
New York City Rescue Mission | nycrescue.org | 212-226-6214 | New York |
Omaha Community Food Bank | foodbankfor theheartland.org | 402-331-1213 | Nebraska |
Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank | pittsburghfoodbank.org | 412-460-3663 | Pennsylvania |
The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts | foodbankwma.org | 413-247-9738 | Massachusetts |
Mobile Food Pantry Program | mobilefoodpantry.org | info@mobilefoodpantry.org | Nationwide |
Caritas of Austin | caritasofaustin.org | 512-479-4610 | Texas |
Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services | foodbankssf.org | 916-925-3240 | California |
Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona | communityfoodbank.org | 520-622-0525 | Arizona |
Catholic Charities of St. Louis | ccstl.org | 314-367-5500 | Missouri |
King County Food Bank | kingcountyfoodbank.org | 206-584-9840 | Washington |
Milwaukee Food Bank | milwaukeefoodbank.org | 414-933-1300 | Wisconsin |
Share Our Strength | strength.org | 202-265-5300 | Nationwide |
Rural Area Ministries Food Bank | ramfoodbank.org | 318-445-3933 | Louisiana |
Second Harvest of the Big Bend | secondharvestbigbend.org | 850-562-3033 | Florida |
Tucson Community Food Bank | tucsonfoodbank.org | 520-622-0525 | Arizona |
The Coalition for the Homeless | coalitionforthehomeless.org | 212-776-2000 | New York |
Feeding Pennsylvania | feedingpa.org | 717-564-1700 | Pennsylvania |
Yolo Food Bank | yolofoodbank.org | 530-668-0690 | California |
Community Food Bank of New Jersey | cfbnj.org | 908-355-3663 | New Jersey |
Bridgeport Rescue Mission | bridgeportrescuemission.org | 203-333-4087 | Connecticut |
Pittsburgh Community Food Bank | pittsburghfoodbank.org | 412-460-3663 | Pennsylvania |
Virginia Peninsula Foodbank | hrfoodbank.org | 757-596-7188 | Virginia |
Ohio Association of Foodbanks | ohiofoodbanks.org | 614-221-4336 | Ohio |
Afrithrive | www.afrithrive.org | info@afrithrive.org | Maryland and Washington DC |
Organizations | Website/Link | Contact information | Location |
Military OneSource | www.myseco.militaryonesource.mil/portal/article/licensure-reimbursement-pcs-moves | Phone: 800-342-9647 | Nationwide |
Relocation Assistance Program (RAP) | www.militaryonesource.mil/benefits/relocation-assistance-program/ | Phone: 800-342-9647 | Nationwide |
Move.mil | move.mil | Email: usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.g6-src-helpline@army.mil | Nationwide |
Navy Fleet and Family Support Program (FFSP) | ffsp.navy.mil | Phone: 866-293-2776 | On Navy Installations |
Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) | usmc-mccs.org | Phone: Varies by location | On Marine Corps Installations |
Airman & Family Readiness Center (AFRC) | www.afpc.af.mil/Military-and-Family/Relocation-Assistance/ | Phone: Varies by location | On Air Force Installations |
Coast Guard Support | cgmahq.org | Phone: 800-881-2462 | Nationwide |
Military Family Advisory Network (MFAN) | militaryfamilyadvisorynetwork.org | Email: info@militaryfamilyadvisorynetwork.org | Washington, D.C. |
Blue Star Families | bluestarfam.org | Phone: 202-630-2583 | Nationwide |
National Military Family Association (NMFA) | militaryfamily.org | Phone: 703-931-6632 | Alexandria, VA |
Operation Homefront | operationhomefront.org | Phone: 210-659-7756 | Nationwide |
Military Spouse Corporate Career Network (MSCCN) | msccn.org | Phone: 877-696-7226 | Nationwide |
InDependent | in-dependent.org | Email: info@in-dependent.org | Nationwide |
Military Spouse Advocacy Network (MSAN) | milspouseadvocacynetwork.org | Email: info@milspouseadvocacynetwork.org | Nationwide |
The American Legion | legion.org | Phone: 800-433-3318 | Nationwide |
USO Pathfinder® Transition Program | USO PCS tips | Phone: 888-484-3876 | Nationwide |
Hire Heroes USA | hireheroesusa.org | Phone: 866-915-4376 | Alpharetta, GA |
Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) | Military PCS Move and Transitioning Support | MySECO | Phone: 800-342-9647 | Nationwide |
Moving with the Military | movingwiththemilitary.tv | Email: info@movingwiththemilitary.tv | Nationwide |
PCSgrades | pcsgrades.com | Email: support@pcsgrades.com | Nationwide |
MilitaryByOwner | militarybyowner.com | Phone: (866) 604-9126 | Nationwide |
Millie | gomillie.com | Email: support@gomillie.com | Nationwide |
SargesList | sargeslist.com | Email: info@sargeslist.com | Nationwide |
Homes for Heroes | homesforheroes.com | Phone: (866) 443-7637 | Nationwide |
Military Town Advisor | militarytownadvisor.com | Email: info@militarytownadvisor.com | Nationwide |
Military Bridge | militarybridge.com | Email: info@militarybridge.com | Nationwide |
AHRN (Automated Housing Referral Network) | ahrn.com | Phone: (877) 247-6363 | Nationwide |
Military Crashpad | militarycrashpad.com | Phone: (888) 472-9109 | Nationwide |
Homefront Hugs | homefronthugs.org | Email: homefronthugsusa@aol.com | Nationwide |
The Stork’s Nest | thestorksnest.com | Email: contact@thestorksnest.com | Nationwide |
The Moving Coach | themovingcoach.com | Phone: (800) 326-4220 | Nationwide |
Homeport | homeport.org | Phone: (614) 221-8889 | Ohio |
Operation We Are Here | operationwearehere.com | Email: info@operationwearehere.com | Nationwide |
MOAA (Military Officers Association of America) | moaa.org | Phone: (800) 234-6622 | Nationwide |
The Military Wallet | themilitarywallet.com | Email: info@themilitarywallet.com | Nationwide |
Military Housing Assistance Fund | usmhaf.org | Email: info@usmhaf.org | Nationwide |
Your Military Money | yourmilitarymoney.com | Email: info@yourmilitarymoney.com | Nationwide |
Military Housing Network | https://www.vetshouse.org/ | Email: info@militaryhousingnetwork.com | Nationwide |
VetsHouse | vetshouse.org | Phone: (757) 724-8614 | Virginia |
Support Military Spouses | supportmilitaryspouses.org | Phone: (910) 482-4022 | Nationwide |
Military Moving Station | militarymovingstation.com | Phone: (833) 668-4649 | Nationwide |
VetsOnTheMove | vetsonthemove.com | Email: support@vetsonthemove.com | Nationwide |
Homeport VA | homeportva.com | Phone: (804) 769-2985 | Virginia |
U-Pack | upack.com/military-moving | Phone: (844) 611-4582 | Nationwide |
The Mobile Riverine Force Association | mrfassociation.org | Email: info@mrfassociation.org | Nationwide |
Serving Together | servingtogetherproject.org | Phone: (301) 738-7176 | Maryland |
Military Nest | militarynest.com | Email: info@militarynest.com | Nationwide |
Operation Help a Hero | operationhelpahero.org | Email: info@operationhelpahero.org | Nationwide |
Lifelong PCS | lifelongpcs.com | Email: info@lifelongpcs.com | Nationwide |
Simple Life Insure | simplelifeinsure.com/military-life-insurance/ | Phone: (800) 605-3415 | Nationwide |
MyBaseGuide | mybaseguide.com | Email: support@mybaseguide.com | Nationwide |
Base Guide | baseguide.com | Email: info@baseguide.com | Nationwide |
Military Home Source | militaryhomesource.com | Phone: (888) 568-0311 | Nationwide |
Relobase | relobase.com | Email: info@relobase.com | Nationwide |
Clever Neighbor | cleverneighbor.com | Email: support@cleverneighbor.com | Nationwide |
Operation Finally Home | operationfinallyhome.org | Phone: (615) 850-9300 | Nationwide |
American Moving & Storage Association | moving.org | Phone: (703) 683-7410 | Nationwide |
Transcom | ustranscom.mil | Phone: (618) 220-4857 | Nationwide |
Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) | militarychild.org | Phone: (254) 953-1923 | Nationwide |
Military Moves | militarymoves.com | Email: support@militarymoves.com | Nationwide |
Penske Military Moving Services | penske.com/military | Phone: (844) 847-9517 | Nationwide |
DirectGov PCS | directgovpcs.com | Email: support@directgovpcs.com | Nationwide |
Vets’ Guide to PCS | vetsguide2pcs.org | Email: info@vetsguide2pcs.org | Nationwide |
BeaMove | beamove.com | Email: info@beamove.com | Nationwide |
MyMilitarySavings.com | mymilitarysavings.com | Phone: (855) 438-5539 | Nationwide |
Military Relocation Services | militaryrelocationservices.com | Phone: (866) 465-2856 | Nationwide |
MilHousing Network | milhousingnetwork.com | Email: info@milhousingnetwork.com | Nationwide |
Team Red, White & Blue (Team RWB) | teamrwb.org | Email: info@teamrwb.org | Nationwide |
MilSpouse Resources | milspouseresources.com | Email: info@milspouseresources.com | Nationwide |
MyMilitaryNetwork | mymilitarynetwork.com | Email: info@mymilitarynetwork.com | Nationwide |
Pets for Vets | petsforvets.com | Email: info@petsforvets.com | Nationwide |
Military Warrior Support Foundation | militarywarriors.org | Email: info@militarywarriors.org | Nationwide |
Redstone Arsenal ACS | redstone.armymwr.com | Phone: (256) 876-5397 | Alabama |
Military Housing & Lodging | militaryhousingandlodging.com | Phone: (877) 760-3299 | Nationwide |
Salute Heroes | saluteheroes.org | Phone: (888) 447-2588 | Nationwide |
Pillar To Post | pillartopost.com | Phone: (877) 764-5427 | Nationwide |
Military Car Shipping | militarycarshipping.com | Phone: (888) 800-0074 | Nationwide |
AIM your PCS | aimyourpcs.com | Email: info@aimyourpcs.com | Nationwide |
Wheaton World Wide Moving | wheatonworldwide.com/military-moves | Phone: (800) 248-7962 | Nationwide |
Budget Military Moving | https://fcef.com/ | Phone: (800) 218-7992 | Nationwide |
First Command Educational Foundation | fcef.com | Email: info@fcef.com | Nationwide |
PCS Pay It Forward | pcspayitforward.org | Email: support@pcspayitforward.org | Nationwide |
Organizations | Website/Link | Contact information | Location |
Military OneSource | www.militaryonesource.mil/benefits/financial-counseling/ | Phone: 800-342-9647 | Nationwide |
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society | www.tinyurl.com/mse9yakm | Phone: 703-696-4904 | Alexandria, VA |
Army Emergency Relief | www.armyemergencyrelief.org/assistance | Phone: 866-878-6378 | Nationwide |
Coast Guard Mutual Assistance | www.mycgma.org/get-help | Phone: 800-881-2462 | Nationwide |
The American Legion | www.legion.org/financialassistance | Phone: 317-630-1200 | Indianapolis, IN |
USAA | www.usaa.com/inet/wc/advice-finances-overcomecurveballs?akredirect=true | Phone: 800-531-8722 | Nationwide |
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) | www.consumerfinance.gov/consumer-tools/educator-tools/adult-financial-education/tools-and-resources | Phone: 855-411-2372 | Washington, DC |
Blue Star Families | www.bluestarfam.org/financial-resources | Phone: 202-630-2583 | Washington, DC |
Operation Homefront | www.operationhomefront.org/united-we-stand | Phone: 210-659-7756 | San Antonio, TX |
National Military Family Association | https://www.militaryfamily.org/tag/financial-readiness | Phone: 703-931-6632 | Alexandria, VA |
Yellow Ribbon Network | www.yellowribbon.mil/cms/financial-resource-guide/ | Phone: 651-256-2055 | Lake Elmo, MN |
Military Saves | www.militarysaves.org | Phone: 202-939-1013 | Washington, DC |
The Military Wallet | www.themilitarywallet.com | Contact: Online Form | Nationwide |
Armed Forces Services Corporation (AFSC) | www.afsc-usa.com | Phone: 888-237-2872 | Arlington, VA |
First Command | tinyurl.com/28njrasz | Phone: 800-443-2104 | Fort Worth, TX |
Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) | www.moaa.org/content/benefits-and-discounts/finance/finance | Phone: 800-234-6622 | Alexandria, VA |
Clearpoint | www.clearpoint.org | Phone: 800-251-2227 | Nationwide |
Financial Independence Training | www.choosefifoundation.org/financial-independence-101 | Phone: 888-307-8885 | Santa Barbara, CA |
Operation First Response | tinyurl.com/8kbjcacr | Phone: 888-289-0280 | Culpeper, VA |
Heroes at Home | www.heroesathome.org | Phone: 972-698-7500 | Nationwide |
Association of Military Banks of America (AMBA) | ambahq.org | Phone: (540) 347-3305 | Nationwide |
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Unmet Needs | vfw.org | Phone: (816) 756-3390 | Nationwide |
American Red Cross | redcross.org | Phone: (800) 733-2767 | Nationwide |
Navy Federal Credit Union | navyfederal.org | Phone: (888) 842-6328 | Nationwide |
Air Force Aid Society | afas.org | Phone: (703) 972-2650 | Nationwide |
Operation We Are Here | operationwearehere.com | Email: info@operationwearehere.com | Nationwide |
Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) | shopmyexchange.com | Phone: (800) 527-2345 | Worldwide |
Military Financial Readiness Program | dod.mil/financial-readiness | Phone: (703) 695-7153 | Nationwide |
Veterans United Foundation | veteransunited.com | Phone: (800) 884-5560 | Nationwide |
The PenFed Foundation | penfedfoundation.org | Phone: (800) 558-9224 | Nationwide |
Operation Gratitude | operationgratitude.com | Email: info@operationgratitude.com | Nationwide |
Financial Readiness Network | financialreadinessnetwork.com | Email: info@financialreadinessnetwork.com | Nationwide |
Fisher House Foundation | fisherhouse.org | Phone: (888) 294-8560 | Nationwide |
Disabled American Veterans (DAV) | dav.org | Phone: (877) 426-2838 | Nationwide |
Credit Union National Association (CUNA) | cuna.org | Phone: (800) 356-9655 | Nationwide |
VeteransPlus | veteransplus.org | Phone: (888) 488-8767 | Nationwide |
Veterans Benefits Administration | benefits.va.gov | Phone: (800) 827-1000 | Nationwide |
American Armed Forces Mutual Aid Association (AAFMAA) | aafmaa.com | Phone: (800) 522-5221 | Nationwide |
USO | uso.org | Phone: (888) 484-3876 | Nationwide |
American Consumer Credit Counseling (ACCC) | consumercredit.com | Phone: (800) 769-3571 | Nationwide |
National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) | nfcc.org | Phone: (800) 388-2227 | Nationwide |
Operation FINALLY HOME | operationfinallyhome.org | Phone: (615) 850-9300 | Nationwide |
Association of Financial Counseling & Planning Education (AFCPE) | afcpe.org | Phone: (703) 684-4484 | Nationwide |
Credit Sesame | creditsesame.com | Email: support@creditsesame.com | Nationwide |
ClearPoint Credit Counseling Solutions | clearpoint.org | Phone: (800) 750-2227 | Nationwide |
American Armed Forces Mutual Aid Association (AAFMAA) | aafmaa.com | Phone: (800) 522-5221 | Nationwide |
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) | nmcrs.org | Phone: (703) 696-4904 | Nationwide |
Veterans Financial Coalition | veteransfinancialcoalition.com | Email: info@veteransfinancialcoalition.com | Nationwide |
Semper Fi Fund | semperfifund.org | Phone: (760) 725-3680 | Nationwide |
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Investor Education Foundation | finrafoundation.org | Phone: (888) 295-7422 | Nationwide |
Red Cross Financial Assistance | redcross.org | Phone: (877) 272-7337 | Nationwide |
Secure Families Initiative | securefamiliesinitiative.org | Email: info@securefamiliesinitiative.org | Nationwide |
Operation Warm Heart | operationwarmheart.org | Email: support@operationwarmheart.org | Nationwide |
Navy Mutual Aid Association | navymutual.org | Phone: (800) 628-6011 | Nationwide |
Heroes Fund Scholarship | heroesfundscholarship.org | Phone: (866) 418-8741 | Nationwide |
Military Homefront Financial Resources | militaryhomefront.com | Email: info@militaryhomefront.com | Nationwide |
Military Family Advisory Network (MFAN) | militaryfamilyadvisorynetwork.org | Phone: (202) 607-1112 | Nationwide |
Hope for the Warriors | hopeforthewarriors.org | Phone: (877) 246-7349 | Nationwide |
Patriot Boot Camp | patriotbootcamp.org | Email: info@patriotbootcamp.org | Nationwide |
GreenPath Financial Wellness | greenpath.com | Phone: (800) 550-1961 | Nationwide |
American Legion Auxiliary | alaforveterans.org | Phone: (317) 569-4500 | Nationwide |
American Red Cross Armed Forces Emergency Services | redcross.org | Phone: (800) 733-2767 | Nationwide |
Foundation for Financial Planning | foundationforfinancialplanning.org | Phone: (202) 864-5180 | Nationwide |
Soldiers’ Angels | soldiersangels.org | Phone: (210) 629-0020 | Nationwide |
Operation Homefront Financial Assistance | operationhomefront.net | Phone: (800) 722-6098 | Nationwide |
The Armed Forces Foundation | armedforcesfoundation.org | Phone: (800) 522-5201 | Nationwide |
Military Benefit Association (MBA) | militarybenefit.org | Phone: (800) 336-0100 | Nationwide |
Non Commissioned Officers Association (NCOA) | ncoausa.org | Phone: (210) 653-6161 | Nationwide |
Organizations | Website/Link | Contact information | Location |
Child Care Aware of America | childcareaware.org | Phone: 703-341-4100 | 1515 N. Courthouse Road, 3rd Floor, Arlington, VA 22201 |
Military OneSource | militaryonesource.mil | Phone: 800-342-9647 | Nationwide |
Operation Homefront | operationhomefront.org | Phone: 210-659-7756 | 1355 Central Parkway S, Suite 100, San Antonio, TX 78232 |
Email: info@operationhomefront.org | |||
Armed Services YMCA | asymca.org | Phone: 703-455-3986 | 14040 Central Loop, Suite B, Woodbridge, VA 22193 |
Child Care Subsidy Program (DoD) | tinyurl.com/2uc3w8eb | Phone: 800-424-2246 | Nationwide |
Email: ccp@usa.childcareaware.org | |||
National Military Family Association | militaryfamily.org | Phone: 703-931-6632 | 2800 Eisenhower Ave, Suite 250, Alexandria, VA 22314 |
Email: info@militaryfamily.org | |||
Family Readiness Groups (FRG) | armyfrg.org | Contact through local unit | Nationwide (Army Bases) |
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society | nmcrs.org | Phone: 800-654-8364 | 875 N Randolph St Suite 225, Arlington, VA 22203 |
The United Service Organizations (USO) | uso.org | Phone: 888-484-3876 | 2111 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1200, Arlington, VA 22201 |
Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood | www.militaryonesource.mil/parenting/child-care/mccyn-plus-child-care-program/ | Phone: 800-342-9647 | Nationwide |
Easterseals | easterseals.com | Phone: 800-221-6827 | 141 W Jackson Blvd, Suite 1400A, Chicago, IL 60604 |
Boys & Girls Clubs of America | bgca.org | Phone: 404-487-5700 | 1275 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30309 |
YMCA of the USA | ymca.org | Phone: 800-872-9622 | 101 N Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606 |
4-H Military Partnerships | 4-hmilitarypartnerships.org | Phone: 202-720-2908 | Nationwide |
Email: 4-hmp@nifa.usda.gov | |||
New Parent Support Program | www.militaryonesource.mil/benefits/new-parent-support-program/ | Phone: 800-342-9647 | Nationwide |
Child Development Centers (CDC) | www.militaryonesource.mil/benefits/military-child-care-programs/ | Phone: 800-342-9647 | On military bases worldwide |
Head Start | www.acf.hhs.gov/ohs/about/head-start | Phone: 866-763-6481 | Nationwide |
Little Heroes League | littleheroesleague.org | Phone: 888-303-5544 | Nationwide |
The Mission Continues | missioncontinues.org | Phone: 314-588-8805 | 1141 South 7th Street, St. Louis, MO 63104 |
AFAS – Air Force Aid Society | afas.org | 1-800-429-8270 | Nationwide |
Army Community Service (ACS) | army.mil | Find local ACS at army.mil | Nationwide |
Marine Corps Family Team Building | mccs.sc.mil | 1-800-874-2453 | Nationwide |
Navy Child and Youth Programs | navychildandyouth.com | 1-877-673-7773 | Nationwide |
Coast Guard Child Care Subsidy Program | cgaux.org | 1-202-372-2100 | Nationwide |
Military Families Learning Network | militaryfamilieslearningnetwork.org | 1-866-514-2591 | Nationwide |
Operation: Military Kids (OMK) | operationmilitarykids.org | info@operationmilitarykids.org | Nationwide |
National Guard Youth Challenge Program | ngycp.org | 1-877-7-CHALLENGE (1-877-724-2554) | Nationwide |
Army Wounded Warrior Program | warriorcare.mil | 1-800-342-9647 | Nationwide |
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society | nmcrs.org | 1-703-696-4904 | Nationwide |
Air Force Child and Youth Programs | myairforcelife.com | 1-800-531-5503 | Nationwide |
Coast Guard Mutual Assistance | cgmahq.org | 1-800-881-2462 | Nationwide |
Families OverComing Under Stress (FOCUS) | focusproject.org | 1-855-FOCUS-5 (1-855-362-8755) | Nationwide |
National Military Family Association | nmfa.org | 1-800-260-0218 | Nationwide |
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) | taps.org | 1-800-959-TAPS (1-800-959-8277) | Nationwide |
Military Family Advisory Network (MFAN) | militaryfamilyadvisorynetwork.org | info@militaryfamilyadvisorynetwork.org | Nationwide |
Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) Agencies | childcareaware.org | 1-800-424-2246 | Nationwide |
Base Child Development Centers (CDC) | childcare.af.mil | Find local CDC at childcare.af.mil | Nationwide |
Military Family Life Counselors (MFLC) | militaryfamilylife.com | 1-800-531-5503 | Nationwide |
Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Program | acf.hhs.gov | 1-202-401-9333 | Nationwide |
Military Family Support Centers (MFSC) | mccs.marines.mil | Find local MFSC at mccs.marines.mil | Nationwide |
Service Members and Family Assistance Centers | army.mil | Find local centers at army.mil | Nationwide |
United Through Reading | unitedthroughreading.org | 1-858-481-7323 | Nationwide |
Military Impacted Schools Association (MISA) | militaryimpactedschoolsassociation.org | 1-877-263-7460 | Nationwide |
Scholarships for Military Children Program | militaryscholar.org | 1-703-738-0600 | Nationwide |
American Red Cross – Service to the Armed Forces | redcross.org | 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767) | Nationwide |
Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) | militarychild.org | 1-254-953-1923 | Nationwide |
Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation | fallenpatriots.org | 1-703-638-5521 | Nationwide |
Blue Star Families | bluestarfam.org | 1-888-540-2222 | Nationwide |
Military Support Programs by The Family and Youth Services Bureau | fyssb.org | 1-866-622-6915 | Nationwide |
Military Family Support Group (MFSG) | militaryfamilysupportgroup.org | 1-855-800-6450 | Nationwide |
Our Military Kids | ourmilitarykids.org | 1-703-734-6656 | Nationwide |
National Guard Family Programs | ng.mil | 1-703-607-2600 | Nationwide |
Armed Forces Foundation | armedforcesfoundation.org | 1-202-545-0071 | Nationwide |
Soldiers’ Angels | soldiersangels.org | 1-210-629-0020 | Nationwide |
The Fisher House Foundation | fisherhouse.org | 1-888-294-8560 | Nationwide |
Hope For The Warriors | hopeforthewarriors.org | 1-877-437-8839 | Nationwide |
The Mission Continues – Family Programs | missioncontinues.org | 1-800-979-8654 | Nationwide |
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) | vfw.org | 1-816-756-3390 | Nationwide |
Disabled American Veterans (DAV) | dav.org | 1-877-426-2838 | Nationwide |
Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) | vva.org | 1-202-628-2700 | Nationwide |
American Legion | legion.org | 1-800-433-3318 | Nationwide |
National Veterans Foundation (NVF) | nvf.org | 1-888-777-4443 | Nationwide |
Women Veterans Interactive (WVI) | womenvetsinteractive.org | 1-888-972-7287 | Nationwide |
Veteran’s Employment and Training Service (VETS) | dol.gov | 1-866-4-USA-DOL (1-866-487-2365) | Nationwide |
Organizations | Website/Link | Contact information | Location |
Military OneSource | militaryonesource.mil | 800-342-9647 | Nationwide |
Council of College and Military Educators (CCME) | ccmeonline.org | info@ccmeonline.org | Alexandria, VA |
National Military Family Association (NMFA) | militaryfamily.org | 703-931-6632 | Alexandria, VA |
Fisher House Foundation | fisherhouse.org | 888-294-8560 | Rockville, MD |
Student Veterans of America (SVA) | studentveterans.org | 202-223-4710 | Washington, D.C. |
American Legion Auxiliary | alaforveterans.org | 317-630-1200 | Indianapolis, IN |
Blue Star Families | bluestarfam.org | info@bluestarfam.org | Washington, D.C. |
Hire Heroes USA | hireheroesusa.org | 877-760-6680 | Alpharetta, GA |
Operation Homefront | operationhomefront.org | 877-264-3968 | San Antonio, TX |
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) | taps.org | 800-959-TAPS (8277) | Washington, D.C. |
Soldiers’ Angels | soldiersangels.org | info@soldiersangels.org | San Antonio, TX |
Education and Training Opportunities Program | edreform.com | info@edreform.com | Washington, D.C. |
Army Emergency Relief (AER) | aerhq.org | 703-428-0000 | Arlington, VA |
Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation | mcsf.org | 703-549-0060 | Alexandria, VA |
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) | nmcrs.org | 202-737-0500 | Washington, D.C. |
Military Spouse Scholarship Program | militaryscholar.org | info@militaryscholar.org | Various locations |
Veterans Education Success | vetsedsuccess.org | info@vetsedsuccess.org | Washington, D.C. |
American Association of University Women (AAUW) | aauw.org | 202-785-7700 | Washington, D.C. |
Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) | militarychild.org | info@militarychild.org | Killeen, TX |
Veterans Upward Bound (VUB) | vub.org | info@vub.org | Nationwide |
Pat Tillman Foundation | pattillmanfoundation.org | info@pattillmanfoundation.org | Nationwide |
Scholarships for Military Children | militaryscholar.org | (515) 362-7555 | Nationwide |
Army Wife Network | armywifenetwork.com | info@armywifenetwork.com | Nationwide |
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Scholarship Program | vfw.org | info@vfw.org | Nationwide |
Military Spouse Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) | mycaa.militaryonesource.mil | (800) 342-9647 | Nationwide |
USO Pathfinder Transition Program | uso.org | info@uso.org | Nationwide |
GI Bill Programs (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs) | benefits.va.gov/gibill | (888) 442-4551 | Nationwide |
Veteran’s Affairs Yellow Ribbon Program | benefits.va.gov/gibill/yellow_ribbon.asp | (888) 442-4551 | Nationwide |
Operation We Are Here (Scholarship List) | operationwearehere.com | info@operationwearehere.com | Nationwide |
Coast Guard Foundation Education Grants | coastguardfoundation.org | (860) 535-0786 | Nationwide |
ThanksUSA Scholarship Program | thanksusa.org | (888) 849-8720 | Nationwide |
Air Force Aid Society (AFAS) Education Grants | afas.org | (703) 972-2650 | Nationwide |
USAA Educational Foundation | usaaedfoundation.org | (800) 531-8722 | Nationwide |
Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) | msepjobs.militaryonesource.mil | (800) 342-9647 | Nationwide |
United States Army War College (USAWC) Distance Education Program | armywarcollege.edu | (717) 245-3131 | Nationwide |
Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund | freedomalliance.org | (800) 475-6620 | Nationwide |
Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) Scholarship Fund | moaa.org | (800) 234-6622 | Nationwide |
Marine Corps University (MCU) | mcu.usmc.mil | (703) 784-4037 | Nationwide |
Boot Campaign (Military Family Scholarships) | bootcampaign.org | info@bootcampaign.org | Nationwide |
Navy League of the United States Scholarship Program | navyleague.org | (703) 528-1775 | Nationwide |
The American Red Cross – Service to the Armed Forces | redcross.org | (800) 733-2767 | Nationwide |
Scholarship America | scholarshipamerica.org | (800) 279-2083 | Nationwide |
AFCEA Educational Foundation | afcea.org/site/?q=foundation/scholarships | (703) 631-6100 | Nationwide |
Troy for Troops (Troy University) | troy.edu/troyfortroops | (334) 670-3856 | Nationwide |
Veteran’s Support Foundation (VSF) | vsf-usa.org | (800) 882-1316 | Nationwide |
Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation (MC-LEF) Scholarship | mc-lef.org | (877) 606-1775 | Nationwide |
Anchor Scholarship Foundation | anchorscholarship.com | info@anchorscholarship.com | Nationwide |
Special Operations Warrior Foundation | specialops.org | (813) 805-9400 | Nationwide |
Navy SEAL Foundation Education Assistance | navysealfoundation.org | info@navysealfoundation.org | Nationwide |
Veterans Resource Centers of America (VRCA) | vetsresource.org | (866) 393-4838 | Nationwide |
US Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) Scholarship | seacadets.org | (703) 243-6910 | Nationwide |
American Military University (AMU) | amu.apus.edu | (877) 755-2787 | Nationwide |
Marine Corps University Foundation | mcuf.org | (888) 368-5341 | Nationwide |
Fleet Reserve Association (FRA) Education Foundation | fra.org | (703) 683-1400 | Nationwide |
Coast Guard Mutual Assistance (CGMA) Education Programs | cgmahq.org | (703) 875-0404 | Nationwide |
Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) Scholarship Program | pva.org | (800) 424-8200 | Nationwide |
National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) Education Foundation | ngaus.org | (202) 789-0031 | Nationwide |
Army Scholarship Foundation | armyscholarshipfoundation.org | info@armyscholarshipfoundation.org | Nationwide |
U.S. VETS (United States Veterans Initiative) | usvetsinc.org | (213) 542-2600 | Nationwide |
Military Order of the Purple Heart Scholarship | purpleheart.org | (703) 642-5360 | Nationwide |
Veterans Advantage | veteransadvantage.com | info@veteransadvantage.com | Nationwide |
Wings Over America Scholarship Foundation | wingsoveramerica.us | (757) 228-3314 | Nationwide |
The Enlisted Association (TREA) National Scholarship | trea.org | (800) 338-9337 | Nationwide |
American Veterans (AMVETS) National Scholarship Program | amvets.org | (877) 726-8387 | Nationwide |
Scholarships for Military Children – DeCA | militaryscholar.org | (515) 362-7555 | Nationwide |
Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) Education Services | woundedwarriorproject.org | (877) 832-6997 | Nationwide |
Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) Scholarships | aafes.com | (800) 527-2345 | Nationwide |
Society of Military Widows Scholarship Program | militarywidows.org | (703) 351-6246 | Nationwide |
The Mission Continues | missioncontinues.org | (314) 588-8805 | Nationwide |
Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation | fallenpatriots.org | (866) 917-2373 | Nationwide |
National Guard Youth Foundation | ngyf.org | (703) 684-5437 | Nationwide |
Blinded Veterans Association (BVA) Scholarship | bva.org | (800) 669-7079 | Nationwide |
The Rosie Network | therosienetwork.org | (844) 767-4366 | Nationwide |
Chief Petty Officer Scholarship Fund | cposf.org | (757) 233-9136 | Nationwide |
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) | iava.org | (212) 982-9699 | Nationwide |
Operation Second Chance (Scholarships for Families) | operationsecondchance.org | (301) 972-1080 | Nationwide |
National Military Family Association Spouse Scholarships | militaryfamily.org | (703) 931-6632 | Nationwide |
Operation Homefront – Back-to-School Brigade | operationhomefront.org | (800) 722-6098 | Nationwide |
Military Spouse Corporate Career Network (MSCCN) | msccn.org | info@msccn.org | Nationwide |
Veterans Education and Transition Services (ASU) | vets.asu.edu | (855) 278-5080 | Nationwide |
Military Families United Scholarship Program | militaryfamiliesunited.org | (877) 856-6968 | Nationwide |
Hope For The Warriors Education & Transition | hopeforthewarriors.org | (877) 246-7349 | Nationwide |
The Military Wallet (Scholarships for Veterans & Families) | themilitarywallet.com | contact@themilitarywallet.com | Nationwide |
Army Women’s Foundation Legacy Scholarship Program | awfdn.org | (804) 734-3078 | Nationwide |
Troops to Teachers | proudtoserveagain.com | (800) 231-6242 | Nationwide |
Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Scholarship Program | same.org | (703) 549-3800 | Nationwide |
AFSA (Air Force Sergeants Association) Scholarships | hqafsa.org | (800) 638-0594 | Nationwide |
Coast Guard Spouses’ Club Scholarships | cgspousesclubdc.org | scholarships@cgspousesclubdc.org | Nationwide |
Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) Scholarship Program | militaryscholar.org | (515) 362-7555 | Nationwide |
Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the U.S. (EANGUS) Scholarships | eangus.org | (800) 234-3264 | Nationwide |
Global War on Terror Memorial Foundation Scholarships | gwotmemorialfoundation.org | info@gwotmemorialfoundation.org | Nationwide |
Veterans for Foreign Wars (VFW) “Sport Clips Help a Hero Scholarship” | vfw.org | (816) 756-3390 | Nationwide |
Army Aviation Association of America Scholarship Foundation (AAAA) | quad-a.org | (203) 268-2450 | Nationwide |
Women’s Army Corps Veterans’ Association Scholarship | wacva.org | info@wacva.org | Nationwide |
Project Sanctuary – Family Support Programs | projectsanctuary.us | (720) 561-9193 | Nationwide |
Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) | msepjobs.militaryonesource.mil | (800) 342-9647 | Nationwide |
Operation Gratitude (Military Family Support) | operationgratitude.com | (800) 651-8031 | Nationwide |
AMVETS National Service Foundation Scholarships | amvetsnsf.org | (301) 459-9600 | Nationwide |
Heroes’ Legacy Scholarship Program | militaryscholar.org | (515) 362-7555 | Nationwide |
Organizations | Website/Link | Contact information | Location |
Military OneSource Legal Services | www.militaryonesource.mil/financial-legal/legal/ | 800-342-9647 | Nationwide |
Legal Assistance for Military Families (LAMP) | militaryfamilylaw.com | info@militaryfamilylaw.com | Washington, D.C. |
Veterans Legal Institute | vetslegal.org | 714-852-3492 | Los Angeles, CA |
Pro Bono Partnership | probonopartner.org | info@probonopartner.org | New York, NY |
National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP) | nvlsp.org | 202-265-8305 | Washington, D.C. |
Veterans Legal Services Clinic (VLSC) | vlsclinic.org | 314-977-3912 | St. Louis, MO |
Legal Aid Society | legalaid.org | 212-577-3300 | New York, NY |
Military Spouse JD Network (MSJDN) | msjdn.org | info@msjdn.org | Washington, D.C. |
Lone Star Legal Aid | lonestarlegal.org | 800-733-8394 | Houston, TX |
Legal Services Corporation (LSC) | lsc.gov | 202-295-1500 | Washington, D.C. |
Veterans’ Affairs Legal Clinic | va.gov | 800-827-1000 | Nationwide |
Marine Corps Legal Services | marines.mil | 202-433-2208 | Washington, D.C. |
Navy Legal Services Office | navy.mil | 202-433-5931 | Washington, D.C. |
Air Force Legal Assistance | af.mil | 800-554-8702 | Washington, D.C. |
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Legal Assistance | vfw.org | 816-756-3390 | Kansas City, MO |
Military Family Law Network | militaryfamilylaw.org | info@militaryfamilylaw.org | Washington, D.C. |
Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA) | lafla.org | 800-399-4529 | |
American Bar Association (ABA) Military Pro Bono Project | www.militaryprobono.org | Phone: (312) 988-5000 | Nationwide |
Stateside Legal | www.statesidelegal.org | Email: info@statesidelegal.org | Nationwide |
National Veterans Legal Services Clinic at Yale | law.yale.edu | Phone: (203) 432-4800 | Connecticut |
The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program | www.vetsprobono.org | Phone: (888) 838-7727 | Nationwide |
Georgia Legal Services Program (GLSP) – Military Legal Assistance Program | www.glsp.org | Phone: (404) 206-5175 | Georgia |
Veterans Justice Outreach Program (VJO) | www.va.gov | Phone: (877) 424-3838 | Nationwide |
Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania – Veterans Legal Aid | www.lasp.org | Phone: (877) 429-5994 | Pennsylvania |
Northwest Justice Project – Veterans Legal Assistance Program | www.nwjustice.org | Phone: (206) 464-1519 | Washington State |
Florida Veterans Legal Helpline | www.baylegal.org | Phone: (866) 486-6161 | Florida |
Veterans Legal Support Center & Clinic – John Marshall Law School | www.jmls.edu | Phone: (312) 360-2656 | Illinois |
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid (TRLA) – Veterans Legal Services | www.trla.org | Phone: (888) 988-9996 | Texas |
Legal Aid of North Carolina – Military Legal Assistance Project | www.legalaidnc.org | Phone: (866) 219-5262 | North Carolina |
Missouri Veterans Commission – Veterans Legal Services | www.mvc.dps.mo.gov | Phone: (573) 751-3779 | Missouri |
Illinois Armed Forces Legal Aid Network (AFLAN) | www.ilaflan.org | Phone: (855) 452-3526 | Illinois |
Veterans Legal Resource Center – UCI Law | www.law.uci.edu | Phone: (949) 824-5568 | California |
The Veterans Law Group | www.veteranslaw.com | Phone: (888) 811-0523 | Nationwide |
Montana Legal Services Association – Military Legal Assistance Project | www.mtlsa.org | Phone: (800) 666-6899 | Montana |
Legal Assistance for Military Personnel Program – South Carolina Bar | www.scbar.org | Phone: (803) 799-6653 | South Carolina |
Oklahoma Lawyers for America’s Heroes Program | www.okbar.org | Phone: (405) 416-7000 | Oklahoma |
New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) – LegalHealth Veterans Initiative | www.nylag.org | Phone: (212) 613-5000 | New York |
Michigan Veterans Legal Services | www.miveteranslegalservices.org | Phone: (734) 265-0730 | Michigan |
Veterans Legal Foundation | www.veteranslegalfoundation.org | Email: contact@veteranslegalfoundation.org | Nationwide |
Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network – Veterans Naturalization Assistance Program | www.rmian.org | Phone: (303) 433-2812 | Colorado |
Veterans’ Legal Support and Services – CUNY School of Law | www.law.cuny.edu | Phone: (718) 340-4200 | New York |
Community Legal Aid – Veterans Legal Services Project | www.communitylegalaid.org | Phone: (855) 837-0109 | Ohio |
Veterans Legal Services – Massachusetts | www.veteranslegalservices.org | Phone: (857) 317-4474 | Massachusetts |
Neighborhood Legal Services Program – Veterans Advocacy Project | www.nlsp.org | Phone: (202) 832-6577 | Washington, D.C. |
Nevada Legal Services – Military Legal Assistance | www.nlslaw.net | Phone: (866) 432-0404 | Nevada |
Legal Aid of Arkansas – Veterans Legal Services | www.arlegalaid.org | Phone: (800) 967-9224 | Arkansas |
Utah Legal Services – Veterans Legal Clinic | www.utahlegalservices.org | Phone: (801) 328-8891 | Utah |
Veterans Legal Network – New Jersey State Bar Association | www.njsba.com | Phone: (732) 249-5000 | New Jersey |
Veterans Legal Services Program – Legal Aid Society of Hawaii | www.legalaidhawaii.org | Phone: (808) 536-4302 | Hawaii |
Legal Aid of Wyoming – Veterans Assistance Program | www.lawyoming.org | Phone: (877) 432-9955 | Wyoming |
Veterans Legal Hotline – Legal Services of Eastern Missouri | www.lsem.org | Phone: (314) 534-4200 | Missouri |
Veterans Law Project – Albany Law School | www.albanylaw.edu | Phone: (518) 445-2311 | New York |
Veterans Advocacy Clinic – Penn State Law | www.pennstatelaw.psu.edu | Phone: (814) 865-8900 | Pennsylvania |
Kansas Legal Services – Veterans Legal Assistance | www.kansaslegalservices.org | Phone: (800) 723-6953 | Kansas |
Ohio Veterans Legal Assistance Project | www.ovlap.org | Phone: (614) 824-2958 | Ohio |
Veterans Legal Clinic – University of San Diego School of Law | www.sandiego.edu | Phone: (619) 260-7470 | California |
South Carolina Legal Services – Veterans Legal Assistance Program | www.sclegal.org | Phone: (888) 346-5592 | South Carolina |
North Dakota Legal Services – Veterans Legal Program | www.legalassist.org | Phone: (701) 222-2110 | North Dakota |
Veterans Advocacy Project – Columbia Law School | www.law.columbia.edu | Phone: (212) 854-2640 | New York |
Veterans Legal Clinic – University of Virginia School of Law | www.law.virginia.edu | Phone: (434) 924-4776 | Virginia |
Alaska Legal Services – Veterans Legal Assistance | www.alsc-law.org | Phone: (888) 478-2572 | Alaska |
Veterans Justice Program – Wisconsin Department of Justice | www.doj.state.wi.us | Phone: (608) 266-1221 | Wisconsin |
Veterans Legal Clinic – Harvard Law School | www.legalservicescenter.org | Phone: (617) 522-3003 | Massachusetts |
New Mexico Legal Aid – Veterans Legal Assistance | www.newmexicolegalaid.org | Phone: (833) 545-4357 | New Mexico |
Veterans Legal Services Project – Idaho Volunteer Lawyers Program | www.idahoveteransnetwork.org | Phone: (208) 334-4510 | Idaho |
Legal Assistance for Veterans – Legal Aid Society of San Diego | www.lassd.org | Phone: (877) 534-2524 | California |
Veterans Legal Project – Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services | www.tals.org | Phone: (615) 627-0956 | Tennessee |
Veterans Legal Services Project – Oregon Law Center | www.oregonlawcenter.org | Phone: (503) 473-8324 | Oregon |
Veterans Legal Assistance – Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland | www.probonomd.org | Phone: (410) 837-9379 | Maryland |
Veterans Advocacy Clinic – University of Pittsburgh School of Law | www.law.pitt.edu | Phone: (412) 648-1490 | Pennsylvania |
Veterans Law Clinic – Quinnipiac University School of Law | www.qu.edu | Phone: (203) 582-3238 | Connecticut |
Veterans Legal Services Program – Greater Boston Legal Services | www.gbls.org | Phone: (617) 371-1234 | Massachusetts |
Legal Aid of West Virginia – Veterans Legal Services | www.lawv.net | Phone: (866) 255-4370 | West Virginia |
Veterans Legal Clinic – Stetson University College of Law | www.stetson.edu | Phone: (727) 562-7800 | Florida |
Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans | www.mac-v.org | Phone: (833) 222-6228 | Minnesota |
Veterans Legal Services Clinic – University of Iowa College of Law | www.law.uiowa.edu | Phone: (319) 335-9023 | Iowa |
Veterans Legal Support Program – Loyola University New Orleans College of Law | law.loyno.edu | Phone: (504) 861-5560 | Louisiana |
Veterans Legal Clinic – University of South Carolina School of Law | www.law.sc.edu | Phone: (803) 777-2278 | South Carolina |
Veterans Legal Assistance Project – Atlanta Legal Aid Society | www.atlantalegalaid.org | Phone: (404) 524-5811 | Georgia |
Veterans Legal Support Program – Loyola Law School Los Angeles | www.lls.edu | Phone: (213) 736-1000 | California |
Military Assistance Program – Minnesota State Bar Association | www.mnbar.org | Phone: (612) 333-1183 | Minnesota |
Veterans Legal Clinic – University of Alabama School of Law | www.law.ua.edu | Phone: (205) 348-5936 | Alabama |
Veterans Legal Services – Kentucky Equal Justice Center | www.kyequaljustice.org | Phone: (859) 233-3057 | Kentucky |
Veterans Advocacy Clinic – University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law | www.law.umaryland.edu | Phone: (410) 706-3295 | Maryland |
Veterans Legal Project – North Dakota Legal Services | www.legalassist.org | Phone: (800) 634-5263 | North Dakota |
Veterans Legal Services Program – Legal Aid of the Bluegrass | www.lablaw.org | Phone: (859) 431-8200 | Kentucky |
Veterans Advocacy Clinic – University of Miami School of Law | www.law.miami.edu | Phone: (305) 284-3123 | Florida |
Veterans Legal Assistance Project – Vermont Legal Aid | www.vtlegalaid.org | Phone: (800) 889-2047 | Vermont |
Veterans Legal Services – Washington State Bar Association | www.wsba.org | Phone: (800) 945-9722 | Washington |
Veterans Legal Services – Rhode Island Bar Association | www.ribar.com | Phone: (401) 421-5740 | Rhode Island |
Veterans Legal Clinic – University of Oklahoma College of Law | www.law.ou.edu | Phone: (405) 325-3702 | Oklahoma |
Veterans Legal Support Clinic – Indiana University Maurer School of Law | www.law.indiana.edu | Phone: (812) 855-0718 | Indiana |
Veterans Legal Services – North Carolina Bar Association | www.ncbar.org | Phone: (919) 677-0561 | North Carolina |
Veterans Legal Clinic – Southern University Law Center | www.sulc.edu | Phone: (225) 771-2552 | Louisiana |
Veterans Legal Assistance Project – Oregon State Bar | www.osbar.org | Phone: (503) 620-0222 | Oregon |
Veterans Legal Support Program – University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law | www.law.louisville.edu | Phone: (502) 852-6358 | Kentucky |
Veterans Legal Clinic – University of Houston Law Center | www.law.uh.edu | Phone: (713) 743-2094 | Texas |
Organizations | Website/Link | Contact information | Location |
American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) Military Assistance Program | www.aila.org | Phone: (202) 507-7600 | Nationwide |
Immigration Legal Services – Catholic Charities USA | www.catholiccharitiesusa.org | Phone: (703) 549-1390 | Nationwide |
Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network (RMIAN) | www.rmian.org | Phone: (303) 433-2812 | Colorado |
National Immigration Law Center (NILC) | www.nilc.org | Phone: (213) 639-3900 | Nationwide |
Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) | www.supportkind.org | Phone: (202) 824-8680 | Nationwide |
Military Accessions Vital to National Interest (MAVNI) Program | www.goarmy.com | Phone: (800) 872-2769 | Nationwide |
American Gateways | www.americangateways.org | Phone: (512) 478-0546 | Texas |
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) | www.raicestexas.org | Phone: (210) 226-7722 | Texas |
Human Rights First – Immigration Advocacy Program | www.humanrightsfirst.org | Phone: (212) 845-5200 | Nationwide |
Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) | www.ilrc.org | Phone: (415) 255-9499 | Nationwide |
International Rescue Committee (IRC) | www.rescue.org | Phone: (212) 551-3000 | Nationwide |
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) | www.lirs.org | Phone: (410) 230-2700 | Nationwide |
Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAAJ) | www.advancingjustice-aajc.org | Phone: (202) 296-2300 | Nationwide |
Tahirih Justice Center | www.tahirih.org | Phone: (571) 282-6161 | Nationwide |
CLINIC – Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. | www.cliniclegal.org | Phone: (301) 565-4800 | Nationwide |
HIAS – Immigrant Legal Services for Military Families | www.hias.org | Phone: (212) 967-4100 | Nationwide |
Justice for Our Neighbors (JFON) | www.njfon.org | Phone: (703) 298-1532 | Nationwide |
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP) | www.nwirp.org | Phone: (206) 587-4009 | Washington State |
Immigrant Defenders Law Center | www.immdef.org | Phone: (213) 634-0999 | California |
Immigration Counseling Service (ICS) | www.ics-law.org | Phone: (503) 221-1689 | Oregon |
Esperanza Immigrant Rights Project | www.esperanza-la.org | Phone: (213) 251-3505 | California |
Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project | www.firrp.org | Phone: (520) 868-0191 | Arizona |
National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) | www.immigrantjustice.org | Phone: (312) 660-1370 | Nationwide |
Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) | www.chirla.org | Phone: (213) 353-1333 | California |
Legal Aid Society – Immigration Law Unit | www.legalaidnyc.org | Phone: (212) 577-3300 | New York |
Immigrant and Refugee Law Center | www.irclaw.org | Phone: (513) 255-7637 | Ohio |
Pangea Legal Services | www.pangealegal.org | Phone: (415) 254-0475 | California |
Centro Legal de la Raza | www.centrolegal.org | Phone: (510) 437-1554 | California |
Make the Road New York | www.maketheroadny.org | Phone: (718) 418-7690 | New York |
Immigration Equality | www.immigrationequality.org | Phone: (212) 714-2904 | Nationwide |
Freedom for Immigrants | www.freedomforimmigrants.org | Phone: (209) 757-3733 | Nationwide |
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) – Immigrant Rights Program | www.afsc.org | Phone: (888) 588-2372 | Nationwide |
Women’s Refugee Commission | www.womensrefugeecommission.org | Phone: (212) 551-3115 | Nationwide |
Ayuda – Immigration Legal Services | www.ayuda.com | Phone: (202) 387-4848 | Washington, D.C. |
Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights | www.theyoungcenter.org | Phone: (312) 660-1370 | Nationwide |
The Bronx Defenders – Immigration Practice | www.bronxdefenders.org | Phone: (718) 838-7878 | New York |
CASA de Maryland | www.wearecasa.org | Phone: (301) 431-4185 | Maryland |
New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) | www.nyic.org | Phone: (212) 627-2227 | New York |
Sanctuary for Families – Immigration Intervention Project | www.sanctuaryforfamilies.org | Phone: (212) 349-6009 | New York |
African Services Committee | www.africanservices.org | Phone: (212) 222-3882 | New York |
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) – Immigrant Advocacy Project | www.cair.com | Phone: (202) 488-8787 | Nationwide |
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) | www.maldef.org | Phone: (213) 629-2512 | Nationwide |
Refugee Legal Aid Information | <